Monday, July 18, 2011

Busy Weekend

Do not pity the dead, Harry, pity the living. Above all pity those who live without love. By returning you may ensure that fewer souls are maimed and fewer families are torn apart. If that seems to you a worthy goal, then we say goodbye for the present. ~ Albus Dumbledore

Busy week, busy weekend.  This weekend flew by, it was a much needed time to get away from work.  Not a lot of relaxing done, but still an enjoyable time.  Friday we went over to a friend's place for a BBQ and bonfire.  We stayed out much later than we had planned.  Home around midnite and then had to get up for my son's soccer game early saturday morning.   Saturday my husband treated me to a matinee of the last installment of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  The movie was fantastic.  A lot had to be left out of the movie, but most things were touched on at least.  We then went to a stag and doe for his cousin.  It was a nice visit with some family.  We aren't much for drinking or partying but it was still nice.  Sunday we enjoyed a visit with my in-laws for a few hours then made our way over to see my parents.  Then we made our way home.

Today I will be sleeping away most of the day to prepare for work tonight.  I only have 2 more weeks of work then I will be off for 2 weeks, work a week then off another weekend and 3 days, work the Thursday and off another weekend.   I love vacation time :)

Well this is going to be a short post, I have to go to bed soon so i can stay awake tonight.

Here is hoping the week goes by quickly!!  :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Almost there

'Today I will be driven by my goals, not my ego' Dr Lew Losoncy

End of school is near.  I can't get over how quickly the year has flown by.  It won't be long until the insanely hot days of summer are here and gone.

The kids are both playing baseball and soccer this year.  Tonight is my daughter's first soccer game.  She had a rough go at her first baseball game, she was pretty nervous.  Last night she played again (I missed it because of work) but from the report I got from her and her Dad she did fantastic!  She hit the ball every time at bat, and even once over everyone's head into the outfield!! Woo Hoo!  She also pitched and did a great job with that too.  I expect her teammates and coach were pleasantly surprised.  My son is enjoying baseball and soccer too.  He stands heads taller than all his teammates.  His league is called mosquito and each kid gets a chance to bat every inning and to run the bases.  It is more about learning than competition.

Tonight I will be meeting my niece and nephew for the first time.  My brother-law and his wife arrived earlier this week and are staying until Tuesday.  We will be visiting for the weekend.

(I forgot to finish this post....oops)

So we had a wonderful visit with my brother in law and family.  My niece and nephew are absolutely adorable and I love them to bits.  Ya no surprise there.  I also had a great time visiting with their parents  :D  The last night that I was there we girls (the sisters in law) and one of the cousin in law went on a haunted walk in the nearby city.  It was a lot of fun, just us girls.  I wish we didn't live so far away.....well that they live so far away.  BC is so far from Ontario.   It was great to finally meet my niece and nephew.

There was some sad new brought also.  My husband's grandmother has severe osteoporosis she is in a lot of pain and if she coughs too hard could break something.  I wish we could afford for my hubby and the kids to fly out to see her.  She is 89 years old and my hubby and his 1 brother are her only relatives left.  SShe hasn't met our kids and it would be so wonderful for her to meet them.

Who knows what the future will hold.


Life is Good

In our life we can stare at the past, but only the future is ours to change!

It has been a couple months since my Dad's surgery.  I must say that things have gone quite well.  He is healing very nicely and is getting around with only a cane now.  The best thing of the entire situation is that my Mom has stepped up and is gaining self confidence and independence!!  I am so very proud of her.  She is not only driving in town now she has driven to the city, around the city and elsewhere!  She is handling things much better than she thought.  Way to go Mom!!  I truly hope that once Dad is able to drive again that she maintains her independence and continues on.

Work has been busy.  I am working a lot of overtime, but the money is much needed.  We have had to replace our toilet, the van needs to be repaired after an accident and of course it is summer now so between my dear hubby driving summer school and soon to be unemployed for a month with only unemployment it makes it much harder to do something special with the kids for summer vacation.  This year though with all the overtime I have worked it sure has helped.  We are in much better shape this summer vs last.  We are planning to take a trip to the Granby Zoo in Quebec.  None of us have been there before so it should be a nice treat for all of us.  Maybe next year we can go to yet another province  :)

I am very proud of both of my kids.   They both finished the year with amazing report cards.  My daughter has straight As and was disappointed that one was an A-!!!  She has worked so hard this year and brought the few Bs she had to As.  Who could ask for more??

My son.....has come so far!!  Last report his reading was a C- and he brought that up to a B!!!  He worked extremely hard and did it.  All of his grades were Bs!  He has done a lot of growing and thankfully the school was very supportive and worked hard with us to help get him there.

Me.....well I am now at the 200lb mark and holding.  I put my gym membership on hold for the summer and I expect I will cancel it in September.  We are looking at getting a family membership at the Y.  I love Curves but it costs 55 just for me and the family membership at the Y is around 100 for the family....can't really see the point in paying for both places.  Plus I need some time to get my body used to the new shifts I am working.  It will be interesting to see how it goes.

Life has been good.  My family is healthy and happy.  Money is decent, not wonderful but when is it ever???  LOL  I am very excited for my summer vacation, and a nice trip with just us and the kids.  Life is good.

Well it is time for me to get ready for work.  Yippie.   3 night shifts this week.

Till next time.........